Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Start with the Dough and the Sauce...

I have a Greek final exam in two days that I really should be studying for...so of course, this seems to me to be the best time to do something completely not study related and start a new blog. I don't know about the rest of you but my desire to do something fun (blog, read, play video games etc.) is directly proportionate to how badly I should be doing something else (study, clean, go to work, etc.).  And being aware of that fact does nothing to help me overcome it.  But hey, at least you all benefit right? Assuming I can come up with anything worth reading.  Hmm...

Okay, well the name of the blog for starters.  I love pizza.  It's pretty much an addiction, it doesn't seem to matter how often I have it, I'm always in the mood for more.  Case in point, I had pizza for lunch and dinner yesterday (in my defense, I had an exam last night too, so it's not as lazy as it sounds) and yet when thinking about what to eat for lunch today, what thought crosses my mind first but "hmm, I could go for pizza!" Possibly this means I need help, but I don't think there's a support group for that. 

...Now there's a mental image.  Me, standing in front of a circle of people sitting on those uncomfortable plastic chairs...you can see the pizza sauce still on my chin, perhaps one lone pepperoni piece stuck to my shirt.  I have one of those "hello my name is" stickers on, and I'm in the middle of stammering out "Hi my name is Thomas and I'm a pizzaholic."  But I digress...

I've written blogs in the past, but sooner or later I always lose track of them and they disappear into the land of wind and ghosts.  This is probably because at times I have the attention span of a hyperactive fruit fly.  So I'm not going to make any grandiose promises about how often I'll post or anything like that.  We'll see what happens.  Nor will I try to predict what I will be writing about, although I can guess rants about life in retail, books, video games, and anything else that captures my attention enough to make me want to say something about it. 
In the meantime I need to get ready for work...I have to pay for the pizza somehow!